The preventive resource and the functions of the technician in Basic level RPL are defined in:
Law 31/1995, of Prevention of Occupational Risks, in its article:
Article 32 bis.
Presence of preventive resources
Royal Decree 39/1997, of January 17, approving the Regulation of Prevention Services
Article 35.
Basic level functions.
Why is it necessary basic level training in prl?
Both to exercise as a preventive resource, in accordance with the provisions of article 32 bis of the Law on the prevention of occupational risks, as well as to exercise the functions of technician At a basic level in the prevention of occupational hazards, it is necessary, in addition to other requirements, to have the necessary training in the prevention of occupational hazards.
Specifically, for the activities not included in ANNEX I of RD 39/1997, Prevention Services Regulation, they must complete a 30-hour training and the activities included in the aforementioned ANNEX I, a 50-hour training.
If the activity is also within those included in the construction agreement, the training will be 60 hours, of which 40 hours can be done online and the rest in person.
The main objectives of the course are:
Establish an interactive training system that allows all interested workers to have the necessary training to be a basic level technician in PRL.
Provide companies with an agile training system adapted to their needs, to provide their workers with adequate training to be preventive resources.
Facilitate training through a system that guarantees sufficient dedication and attention from the worker, by conducting evaluation tests.
Offer the opportunity to train from the company itself or from home, without the need to travel, and to be able to occupy the job at the end of it, printing the justification certificate.
This training will be complemented "in situ" by the Prevention Service, when required by the company.
The course has been structured to comply with the provisions of current regulations, with the content provided in ANNEX IV A) of RD 39/1997.
The student will have an online platform, where they can carry out the training interactively with the teachers, tutors and other students.