Energy is force
Energy is the force that moves and drives companies.
Our engineering and energy consulting services for companies will find the best solution to the needs of each client.
We are experts in optimizing the energy cost of each activity.
We are a totally independent energy consultancy.
As energy engineers and consultants, we will always look for the best option of use of the Energy for each business, studying the various possibilities offered by the markets and achieving the greatest viability.
Improving the income statement of our clients, analyzing and selecting the market product that best meets the needs of your company, is our energy mission.

The time has come to be the owner of your energy
For more than 30 years, we have been experts in the use of natural resources, which is why we are the best option if you are thinking of switching to PHOTOVOLTAIC SELF-CONSUMPTION.
Our mission at Tecmina is to achieve the full satisfaction of our customers. In an investment like the one we propose, we want to ensure your confidence.
After more than 30 years providing our customers with the best technological solutions for the use of natural resources, Tecmina is one of the few companies that have set out to make it easier for our customers to be owners of their own energy in an efficient way. This business philosophy is the only one that guarantees successful growth, achieving the full satisfaction of our customers.
Calculate yourself the savings you will get
We make it easy for you, our photovoltaic calculator will allow you to make a preliminary design of your installation yourself, and see what investment you need to make.
It will also tell you the various financing possibilities, and even the repayment plan for the amount invested.
You can do all this autonomously and, if you are convinced by our proposal, then we will contact you to expand the information and detail our offer, deadlines, equipment, etc...
As a client you will have access to our platform where you can see the production of your panels, your consumption, and much more information in real time.

The information will give you control:
Smart MeterTMA
We present our smart meter, which, without an initial investment, will allow you to measure your consumption, control how you are consuming, with which you can save by adjusting your consumption habits, avoiding penalties, and anticipating problems with electrical machines and equipment.
In conclusion:

The information will give you control:
Smart SubmeteringTMA
We also have a secondary meter, so you can control part of the installations or special equipment, which will give you many advantages, anticipating breakdowns, detecting consumption failures, allowing you to bill third parties, and a long etcetera of advantages-
In conclusion: